[week 07] Production stage 2


2 Weeks has passed since our last devlog.
So what did we change or add to the game...


The UI changed a lot since last post. A reward bar was added where both players can earn score. Because both teams now have to complete as much tasks as possible, the bar can be filled from both ways. A rotating system has also been added where both teams have to select their current task. Each player has a box where his current selected task is in and can only complete that task.

[Cooldown + abilities]

Both teams have different ability, To balance everything, I, Pieter added cooldowns on a few of those abilities. The teen team can still pick up the younger brother to put him in the corner of shame (previous this was the baby enclosure). The younger brother can still wiggle himself free and if this happens he gets a slight speed increase for a few seconds so he can get away.

[Corner of Shame]

Previous post, when we still had baby's, the teen could put a baby in a enclosure, but it didn't make much sense to put a younger brother in a baby enclosure. So I, Pieter, changed the enclosure to a time-out zone.

[minor "bug" fixes]

The level had an issue with its collision, so we fixed that and there where a handful of other small issues like rotating objects when picked up, ...

[Cleanup Items]

You can cleanup items as task.
Pickup the items and bring them to the designated closet.

[Watering the Plants]

Even in games, plants need water.
Pickup the watering can and fill it by the sink (yes that's a watering can).

After that, you can go water the plants.

[Advanced Ironing]

Who doesn't love ironing ?
Well I don't, but if you do ... I have some great news!
Pickup your favorite laundry basket and go fill it!

[Once you finish a task]

Your team will get rewarded with points.       100 points for gryffindor!


The past 2 days I've been modelling extra models. Sinds I'm not that great with stylized models ,  I just model them with normal realistic proportions and then add a FFD modifier in max and change the shape to make them more stylized.

This is an overview of the models from this week.

Hope we see you next week!

-dev team


Production week 5.rar 17 MB
Apr 24, 2019

Get [Group02] Curse of the first born

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